TAWO was founded by Belgian social media bloggers, Dennis Van Peel & Matthias Geerts. They wanted to design cool, dynamic & affordable bracelets for young men. What’s so different about TAWO? Well, each piece harmoniously beams elegance and roughness at the same time, making them the perfect fit for every occasion – TAWO

TAWO started in The Philippines. Travelling together through for two weeks, it was then they finally decided to make their dream come true: to start their own brand. – TAWO

‘During one of our beach-view dinners, we started brainstorming about a name. Several options passed the review, but we unanimously preferred TAWO, which translates into ‘men’ in Cebuano, one of the many languages in the Philippines.’ – TAWO

The two designed the bracelets themselves and in doing so really represented who they are and what they stand for. That’s why they chose to work with one of our favourite materials: silver. All bracelets are made with the premium commodity and no other materials are added. And at the top of the bill: they are hand-made. TAWO does not only sound great, but it also feels awesome. It is an inspiring brand that celebrates uniqueness within every cuff and bracelet – TAWO


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