Through Her Lens – Beckie G

  • Tell us a bit about yourself:

Beckie G, 25 years young, international fashion photographer, is drinking ice coffee a hobby? Brisbane is where my mortgage is haha

  • Were you always interested in photography, or was it something you picked up later in life?

My dad was a fashion photographer in London when he was younger & then for Australian stockmans hall of fame (fun fact, there is an Australian 50c coin with a windmill on it, my dad took that photo), so I have always been inspired by his photography & the art he has shown me growing up.

  • What appeals to you about taking pictures/editing? What do you love about it?

I work/shoot my best friends at the most beautiful places around the world, so while we are together we have the best time, make the most amazing memories & take photos that we hope inspire others, and in editing I love seeing a photo transform into that feeling we had while shooting, I also love re-living the moment we took the photo!

  • What do you believe is the power that photography has over other artistic mediums? (for example books or film?)

I don’t think seeing a photo is any more or less powerful than reading a book, watching a film or seeing an art installation, I think each medium has such a powerful impact on everyone & it always amazes me how different everyone interprets them, I could watch the exact same film as you & have a completely different emotion & interpretation of it. 

  • What would you do if you weren’t a photographer?

I honestly don’t know, I used to want to be a Graphics teacher, then out of high school I studied Interior Technology & Architectural Digital Illustration, then I traveled around Europe by myself for 3 months at 20 years old & I found my love of photography & travel, so I know it would be something creative, but I knew what I wanted to do at 20 so I have just worked hard for the last 5 years to make it my full time job.

  • What frustrates you most about photography as an industry?

I hate being negative, but when brands or anyone expects free work, it frustrates me so much that they don’t value or respect a creatives time.
  • Who is someone that you would love to collaborate with? Living or deceased.

I would love to have taken photos at Woodstock, or shot the Beatles then they were writing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (if you know, you know), that would have been a fun shoot haha

  • Where is your favourite place in the world to shoot?

I’m currently sitting in a ocean villa pool in the Maldives as I type this, so I would have to say here!

  • What is your favourite experience with photography so far?

I don’t have one favourite experience, I have thousands, everyday is a new memory, a new inside joke, another funny video to add to the hundreds on Instagram stories & a new goal I smash!

  • Where do you see yourself in five years?

I hope I have to get a new passport because it’s full haha, but seriously I just want to be doing exactly what I’m doing now, traveling all over the world with my besties, creating insane memories & photos!

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